Christmas Memories

Christmas memories are like the giant oak trees I have come to love in my 13 years as a Floridian; they are indescribably beautiful and last forever. Here, in no particular order, are some memories that are rooted in my heart. My father placing a blinking red lantern in the fork of a tree to alert me to the coming of Santa Claus, and later stomping around on the roof above my bedroom on a snowy night. One year he fell off the roof into the snow-capped hedges and my older brother, Harold, had to rescue him. Putting the final touches on our tree with silver icicles while mom played carols on her accordion, an instrument that came out of the case only once a year. Cutting down our Christmas tree from a tiny parcel of land on Bond Avenue, owned by a kind old man in a flannel hat, and continuing the tradition on my own as a teenager at Mr. Helt's tree farm outside of town. I came home every year with a tree sticking way out of the trunk of my yellow Mustang,...