My First Girlfriend

by Vance Meyer Knowing that mom had supper on the table was the only good thing about leaving Shirley’s house one humid summer afternoon in 1975. The two of us had just blown another entire day doing pretty much nothing except swinging too high on the bulky porch swing her dad had built by hand in the back yard. Heading down the long Highland Avenue hill, I was listening to a transistor radio that was Velcroed to the handlebars of my red Schwinn Stingray, while popping wheelies on the uneven cracks in the sidewalk. Two years later, that same radio would inform me of the death of Elvis Presley. But today, it was Frankie Valli singing his new hit, “My eyes adored you,” through the low-quality speaker. I listened to Frankie carry on in song about a girl he knew in the sixth grade and wondered if I might still feel the same way about Shirley when I grew up. Shirley Montgomery was a year behind me at our Marion, Indiana elementary school (She was fift...